The launch of the "Pen Pals" project
The Launch of 2008-2009 Academic Year Lessons has been made
Every time discussing this program we are filled with joy, as it is in the frames of this project we plan an individual development
of each child and it is through this project that their future activities (support) are realized.
This project covers two departments, through which we coordinate all the work:
- Letter coordinating department
- Foreign affair department
and this enormous work is done through devotion and hard work of our volunteers.
We have started "Pen Pals" project this academic year (2008-2009) including 10 children planning to increase the number of the children up
to 100 in May (2009).
All those who want to cooperate can contact us and try support them changing the life of at least one child.
We believe that the future of Republic of Armenia is open and all of us make a part to these historical events.
The educational programmes of "Future is Open" educational NGO started on September 15th in orphanages and special schools in the RA
children and employees. One should see the sincere smile and delight when they heard that more interesting and new educational programmes are to
be carried out this year as well. Besides they are very glad to communicate and make friends with the volunteers of our NGO, considering us their
brothers and sisters.
Thanks God we notice that there are individuals among the children who have started to believe in their future, have set an aim and dreams
(the speech of Martin Luther King "I have a Dream" has helped them greatly). We are only supposed to help them make their little wishes come true
and become good and deserving citizens of the RA.
Each year we try to make the projects more interesting and be useful to as many children as possible. We also hope to be a success during
this new academic year.
Making Recruits of New Volunteers
The Little Boy Wants to Buy a Computer Himself
Each year before launching the new academic year "Future is Open" educational NGO receives applications from people who want to do
voluntary work (mainly from the youth).
Like proceeding years this year also quite many people have applied, almost more than 120 applicants, in order to do voluntary
The recruitment process of volunteers for the educational projects is fulfilled through two stages: the first stage - filling in the
application form, the second stage - conducting interview.
The NGO needed 60 volunteers for the educational projects and out of 120 applicants only 60 volunteers have been recruited in order to do
voluntary work. The recruitment of this year has been made among last year's volunteers as well as this year's applicants. The recruited
volunteers are to carry out educational projects for the "Future is Open" educational NGO. We wish all of us patience, dedication and belief to
all kinds of work we do.
- Hello happiness, it's a long time we haven't met.
You know, I dream to buy a computer.
- I always find those who have a dream...
How often we try to talk to happiness, or how many of us have ever thought to look directly into the eyes of happiness and see neither anybody nor
anyone, and only tell the happiness about our dreams. Why something can occur to a twelve-year-old boy, while that something is like
misunderstanding at adolescence.
-These are my paintings, I paint with gouache. I'm selling them in order to buy a computer for me...
There is only quietness in his eyes and the reflection of his dream. There is no shyness in his eyes. He approaches the passengers and stretches
out the small bouquet of the papers that hold tightly in his arms: "I think this one is the best. If you want you can buy."
He speaks to people looking straightly into the eyes, carrying his dream in his eyes... he knows why he is out at such a late hour: he has a
Behind his stillness there may be much sadness and difficulty, about what no one may know, but he struggles for his dream. And if this little boy
struggles, why should there be children left to the mercy of fate who, through the way they think, close all the doors in front of themselves?
These children do need our help and we are obliged to help them understand that their happiness is right in their hands, their happiness is
waiting for them to have a dream...
There are children living in orphanages and special schools who have never tried to forget about everything and just say. "Hello happiness, it's a
long time we haven't met."
We can help them find their happiness.
We must help them.
"Future is Open" educational NGO's work
Current meeting
At present "Future is Open" educational NGO supervising personnel is doing preparatory work in order to launch the new academic year on September 15th. In this respect "FIO" team is making recruits of new volunteers (for which we are grateful to workgroup), 2008-2009 academic year curriculum, and arranging meetings with different organizations as well as individuals, who are interested in organization programs, besides they are also doing different organizational activities.
The supervising personnel is doing their best in order to start 2008-2009 academic year in orphanages and special type schools without shortcomings and flaws.
Each year "Future is Open" NGO extends educational programs as well as the number of institutions the lessons are held (orphanages/special schools).
"Pen pals" is the new project of 2008-2009 academic year. It is to be carried out in special type school #14 (more than 100 blind and poor eye-sighted children live in this school).
August 21th 2008 "Future is Open" educational NGO supervising personnel were invited to meet the group of "FLEX" alumni (2007-2008). Being interested in the organization's projects more than 25 alumni came to take part in the meeting.
Anoush Kostanyan ("Future is Open" educational NGO's General Affairs Coordinator) and Marieta Grigoryan ("Future is Open" educational NGO's Academic Affairs Coordinator) represented "Future is Open" educational NGO work and educational projects. In the end Samvel Movsisyan made a speech appealing to the "FLEX" alumni to join the organization as volunteers. He also highlighted the requirements of respect each volunteer should meet in the NGO.
At the end of the meeting the alumni had an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.
P.S. "Future is Open" educational NGO is deeply thankful to "FLEX" Team Coordinator Mane Saroyan for organizing the meeting as well as for the invitation.
July 25-27, 2008 Third Pan-Armenian Educational Consular Meeting
July 25-27, 2008 Third Pan-Armenian Educational Consular Meeting was held in Tsaghkadzor. About 120 representatives from 28 colonies of Diaspora, Nagorni Karabakh, as well as from Armenian Republic discussed main issues concerning education and upbringing of the Armenian Diaspora generation convened in three sittings and six subcommittees. "Future is Open" educational NGO representatives raised a series of questions and come out with proposals.
The points proposed for active discussions at the subcommittees and the sittings were as follows:
- training and retraining teachers
- creating and making perfect the Armenological syllabus, educational as well as methodical materials taught at kindergartens and schools
- spiritual building in Armenian families, help the parents
- expanding the boundaries of the Armenians' education, encouraging the generation studying the Armenian language
- making perfect the contents of the out-of-school works and of the forms
- applying Information Technologies in the educational process by making the education more successful.
The representatives of the "Future is Open" educational NGO made relations with other representatives of Armenian schools and Organizations in Diaspora, in order to be able to contribute to the deed devoted to the well-being of Armenians in Diaspora.